Bark (small)


80×150 cm


6 500 kr / 650 €

Rug from Fabric Forest woven in 100% paper yarn from the Swedish forest. Our spinning and weaving technique results in solid craftsmanship and a rug made entirely of paper yarn. Using a unique process, the paper yarn has been braided into ribbons to achieve a structure that can be used for both warp and weft. It creates a beautiful surface and a more stable rug. The product is available in three different colours and comes in two different sizes. This rug is the smaller model. The product is made in Sweden.


Contact us for purchase or more information

Article No: 50-1001
Colour: 202. Amber, 207. Amber/Midnight Blue, 208. Amber/Frosty Green
Material: 100% paper yarn
Warp and weft: 100% paper yarn
Size: 80x150 cm